Solar energy is sustainable, efficient, and more affordable than electricity generated by fossil fuels.
Make the switch without investing a single dollar.
Pulsar Solar can help you make the switch to solar quickly, easily, and affordably.
By making the switch to solar, you’ll:
Spend nothing on installation & save money every year
Government studies show that the cost of electricity goes up every year without fail. And that cost is rising even faster in the MidAtlantic region, especially in Maryland.
Reduce your carbon footprint
Over 90% of the world’s energy comes from coal and nuclear plants. These pollute the environment, contribute to climate change, and destroy the natural beauty of our planet. By switching to solar, you’ll not only produce your own clean energy but you will also offset the destructive impact fossil fuel has on our world.
Support global communities
By choosing Pulsar Solar, your footprint extends far beyond our local communities here in the US. Our biggest mission is to bring solar farms to remote communities in the Philippines—many of which have never seen electricity— where we provide clean energy, create local jobs, alleviate poverty, and diminish outward migration.
Leave a lasting legacy for future generations
Changing our energy consumption today is a long-lasting investment in our brighter and more promising tomorrow. Pulsar Solar is working towards a future where solar is standard and a structure without solar panels is an outlier. Giving our future generation to thrive and live in a healthier environment void of fossil fuel dependency.
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